Saturday, December 7, 2013

Long, Easy yet Difficult Sem-2 Maths Paper

      As usual, I reached college early in the morning to study a little bit before the exams get started. It was a fine day until I started writing my sem-2 Maths paper. When I got the question paper in my hand every question which was there in the paper was easy for me. So, I started solving my maths paper, finished my 1st compulsory question correctly and was happy about it, after that I started solving my 2nd set of questions and it was having 3 sub questions.

      Soon, I wrote my 1st sub question and had finished it completely, when I got my final answer to the question I was having a doubt about the correctness of the answer. Then I started verifying that answer and I found that the answer was wrong, in order to get that answer correct I had to debug the solved sum and I found that I had done a silly mistake in the middle of the sum. I had to repeat the whole the sum and I did it. By this time I had wasted some of my time.
Little bit of tension started building up as I had wasted some of my time but I knew that I can complete my paper in time.

      Soon, after that as I was attempting the other sub questions the same thing happened again and again and again, It was making me frustrated and at that point I even thought that "I'm not gonna write this maths paper anymore." and I stopped for a while trying to relax in that difficult situation which was not possible at that moment. At that time suddenly on my mind a quote came up which was:

      This quote is funny yet enough inspiring to make you realize that you should never give up in life no matter what happen and how hard it is. This realization made me determined to write the paper even after writing repeatedly wrong answers and still correcting those answers and moving forward to write new answers. I told to myself that "I'm going to write the paper and finish it up." and I continued to write my paper.

      After some time the bell rang and the time was over, but still I had not written some answers which totals up to 20 marks out of 80 marks paper. I know that I should feel bad about it that I had not attempted 20 marks of questions but still I was happy to the fact that I tried my best and even when I was about to give up, I continued writing my paper and attempted a whole lot of answers.

      Few months later, results came up and my only tension was whether I got good marks in maths paper or not. I was amazed by the results which came up because I got good marks in my Maths paper even after leaving some questions.

      At that point of time, Life has taught me 1 important lesson that everyone should follow in their life that We Should Never Give Up. Lastly, I should say that,

Tension is bad for your health as well as for the exams.